My First Class!


Hi everyone!

This is my first post and let me introduce myself first. My name is Nurmizan Syahira Binti Mazmee and people only call me ‘Sya’ for short.  I am going to be 23 years old on this 20th February. I come from Kuala Terengganu.  I have been studying in Kolej University Poly-tech Mara Kuala Lumpur since my Diploma in 2014 and I am still struggling for my Degree here hehehe…😆

Last Tuesday was my first day in college for this semester on 2019 and this class which is Internet Technologies for Language is the first class that I entered on my first day. I felt very excited to start my first class! On our first meeting in class, Madam Azida has briefly explained about the course work and assessments for this subject and blog is one of the assessments that need to be updated every week. So, this blog will focus more on my reviews of the topics that I have learned in the class with Madam Azida.😍

My first impression about this subject is I am very scared actually because I am not really good and expert in technologies. Im just expert to use the basic only, I can be IT illiterate sometimes hahaha but I hope after learning this subject I will be more expert to handle with technology. I wish this subject can help me to gain a lot of information and experiences for the future. So, lets do this! See you on the next post! 💕

Time to say goodbye :(

Hi everyone! 🙆🙆 First of all, I felt so grateful because my team and I finally successful finished our e-learning courseware. If you...